About me

I'm Elinor. I have many interests, sustainable living and non-toxic beauty are two of them. These are interests I'm quite passionate about though.

In 2013 my science teacher showed an upsetting video about cosmetic ingredients. She encouraged everyone in my class to download an app that allowed us to scan the barcodes of commercial beauty products. This app would show the content of a product and tell if it's harmful or not. Nearly all of my products turned out to be bad. That's how I got involved with non-toxic beauty.

My obsession with non-toxic beauty led me to my next journey, sustainable living. I'm currently trying to reduce the trash I produce but I'm still just a learner. Here you'll find the wisdom I've picked up so far.

I'm looking for sustainable alternatives from/in Europe. I say this because some of the things I mention may be unavailable in the U.S and other non-European countries. I still hope that my blog can be a source of inspiration, no matter where you are in the world though. Let's not leave a mess behind for the future generations. Join my journey!